It's been a while. Remember when blogs were all the rage? Everybody had one it seemed. With Facebook cornering the market on loose verbiage / idle chit-chat and random snaps, the more considered blog seems to have been sidelined somewhat, which is no bad thing if your blog ended up stuffed with content only your mum could be proud of.
That said, blogs still remain. They are the 'nerd out' spaces of the social media world par excellence. And they are followed too, that is if content is engaging and those bloggers can keep up momentum, which is quite often, where I have fallen down. Life sometime just gets in the way and frankly the personal things which have preoccupied me are nobody's business, certainly not for broadcasting on a soapers blog! Oh and then there's all the other online stuff to juggle, Etsy, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and heaven forfend, a website too and fine honing SEO! Argh! Digital presence could be a full time job in itself... In short, yes, I've been guilty of letting my blog slide.
So, after a considerable absence, I'm back to posting. I may not have many, (any?) followers, but I can at least post a bit from time to time, hoping for some kind of engagement. It's a veritable digital forest out there and this blog is but one leaf on my soapy business sapling, (not sure I like that analogy, but hey-ho). To thrash the metaphor further, I need that sapling to grow, so am trying all I can on a very tight budget to make it happen, lets hope it gets enough light to do so!
Re soap, I've not been idle. Here's a picture of a recently made batch of 'Amariillo' beer soap, made with the glorious Coventry based micro-brewery Twisted Barrel Ale's Amarillo pale ale. It's available from my Etsy shop, (just click the ETSY icon).
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